Members and partners

Current members of the association

The association currently includes nine seed companies researching, developing and selling maize hybrid varieties in France :

 Logotype de Caussade Semences CAUSSADE SEMENCES
 Logotype de Euralis EURALIS
 Logotype de Limagrain Verneuil LIMAGRAIN VERNEUIL HOLDING
 Logotype de Maïsadour Semences MAISADOUR SEMENCES
 Logotype de Monsanto MONSANTO France SA
 Logotype de Pioneer PIONEER GENETICS
 Logotype de RAGT Semences R2N / R.A.G.T. RECHERCHE
 Logotype de KWS S.D.M.E. / KWS France
 Logotype de Syngenta SYNGENTA SEEDS SA


External partners

  • INRA National Institute for Agronomic Research
  • BRG Bureau of Genetic Resources (Since 2010, integrated into FRB, Foundation for Research in Biodiversity).
  • UFS French Union of seeds companies
  • FNPSMS National Federation of Maize and Sorghum Seeds Production.
  • AGPM Maize Growers General Association
  • ARVALIS Institute of Vegetal
  • GNIS National Interprofessionnal Group of Seeds and Seedlings.
  • ASEDIS-SO Association for theDevelopment of Seed Industry in South Western France.
  • AGRI OBTENTION commercial subsidiary of INRA